Bathory Site FAQ
Erzsébet Store!
Countess Facts
Past Announcements
Bring Her Home!
Portrait 1600
Who Is Real?
Photos 1992
...More from 1992
Photos 2001
...More from 2001
Photos 2004
...More from 2004
Panorama 1992
Castle Walls
Opera Premiere
Use Limits
Cologne Journal
Original Scenario
Codrescu Scenario
Journal 1992
Journal 2001
Journal 2004 (PDF)
Premiere Review
Infamous Lady
Private Letters
Bathory Film
Miller: E. & Dracula
My Deux Essais
My Cloak Story
Wouters: Carpathian...
Pérez: Siete Lunas...
Carrillo: Legado...
Carrillo: Photos
Prayer of Erzsébet
Fans of Erzsébet
Art Gallery
Csárdás Music
Blood Scene Video
Detritus of Mating
All My Music
My Home Page
"We Are All Mozart"
Contact Me
In recent months, a number of websites have been discovered that are using my essay materials and especially my photos.
I am happy to extend permission to use this material on websites and in publications, according to the following rules:
Thanks for your help!
Ces derniers mois, on a découvert des sites web qui utilisent mes matériaux d'essai et particulièrement mes photos.
Je suis heureux d'étendre la permission d'utiliser mon matériel sur des sites web et en publications, selon les règles suivantes:
Merci bien!