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Here are two new images (January 2015)
Linn Madeleine Zeena PeterssonUntitled (2014) |
Abraao Chagas de AndradeUntitled (2014) |
2013 gallery includes this tattoo from Rocco D'Addetta (April 2013)
Rocco D'Addetta"Bathory" (2013) |
Here are two new images (April 2012)
Scot D. Ryersson: Keep Young and Beautiful"Keep Young and Beautiful" (2012) |
Aurora Walderhaug: Two Paintings"Elizabeth the Infamous" and "Erzsebet Bathory"
A new image has just come in (May 2011)...
Paul Mellino: Elizabeth"Elizabeth" (2010) |
Alex Adams: The Blood Countess painting (Skull and Bones Gallery)"The Blood Countess, Erzsébet Báthory 1560 - 1614" |
Robert Vlad Wisniewski: Etching |
William Max Miller: Portrait of Countess Bathory |
Dead Cowboy: Bathory Pendant |
Sarah Leon: Woman with Blood |
Lilith Stabs as Elizabeth |
Erzsébet Portrait Copy:
Iza: Bloody Bathory (courtesy Daria Kwarta) |
Jerome C. Krause: Portrait of Elizabeth Bathory