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In Rehearsal: The Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble (photo DBK) |
In Rehearsal: The Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble (photo DBK) |
In Rehearsal: Anne Decker Conducts (photo DBK) |
In Rehearsal: Ann Harvey Directs Brie Quinlan as the maid (photo DBK) |
In Rehearsal: Lisa Jablow as Erzsébet and Brie Quinlan as the maid (photo DBK) |
In Rehearsal: Lisa Jablow and Brie Quinlan (photo DBK) |
In Performance: Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble (photo DBK) |
In Performance: Lisa Jablow as Erzsébet (photo Pavel Kraus) |
In Performance: Lisa Jablow as Erzsébet (photo Pavel Kraus) |
In Performance: Lisa Jablow and Brie Quinlan (photo Jim Lowe) |
In Performance: Lisa Jablow and the VCME (photo Mark O'Maley) |
Before Performance (photo Mark O'Maley) |
After Performance: Jablow, Quinlan, Báthory-Kitsz, Decker (photo Jim Lowe) |
After Performance: The Ensemble (photo Jim Lowe) |