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The Opera About Elizabeth BáthoryDennis Báthory-Kitsz2011 Premieres in Vermont (US) took place in...
The Erzsébet Tower Marketplace is Open!DVDs, CDs, scores, libretti, posters & more!Order here! |
Now on YouTube!(No subtitles. Get the DVD or download the libretto.) Overture and Prologue
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Spread the word! ![]() |
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Fundraising continues for Erzsébet to make up the premiere run's budget deficit. The opera/monodrama on the life and death of Countess Erzsébet Báthory took place in Vermont on Halloween weekend 2011, starring Lisa Jablow and the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble conducted by Anne Decker. The production was directed by Ann Harvey with stage design by Pavel Kraus, with costuming by Meg Hammond and Katy Knuth, lighting by Mark O'Maley and DVD videography by Jim Eaton. For more details as they become available, jump down this page to the regular announcements. There are two ways to back the opera:
Backers have helped us make the goal of $12,000 from 2010. We still need $4,600 more (which, with other assistance and ticket sales, will meet the total budget of $25,000) to cover remaining production costs for mounting the opera three times in 2011 -- and there are rewards for backing of any amount! For those in the US, half of your backing amount is earmarked for the tax-exempt VCME. Documentation will be provided if requested for tax purposes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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143 backers as of November 12, 2011: Anonymous, Dan Albertson, Shirley Albright, Robert Willis Allen, Karen Amrhein, Elizabeth R. Austin, Paul Bailey, Renée Baker, Gary Barwin, Megan Beecher, Eve Beglarian, Joseph Benzola, Vincent Bergeron, Michael Billingsley, Judy P. Boehlert, James Bohn, Robert Bonotto, Caitlin Bright, Marco Brivio, Trevor Bryant, Canary Burton, Lydia Busler-Blais, Lucianne Cardassi, Liz Carrington, Justin Casey, Michael Caulfield, Alison & Neil Cerutti, Jef Chippewa, Carson Cooman, Kim Craft, Noah Creshevsky, Allan Cronin, Elizabeth Dean, Christopher DeLaurenti, Carl Dershem, Pam DeSimone, Mark Dickinson, Dean Dierschow, Willie Docto, Emily Doolittle, David Drexler, Rachael Elliott, Marc Estrin, Devena Fifield, François Floc'h, Joanne Foreman, Cricket Fox, Richard B. Fredette, James S. Grant, David Gunn, Jonah Haggett, Greg Hall, Tom Hamilton, Evan Hause, Jan Herder, Sean Hickey, Jim Hickle, Lisa Hirsch, Bob Hobbs, Nancy Holzner, Zona Hostetler, D'Anne Hotchkiss & Brad W. Smith, Susan Hoyt, Lisa Jablow, Don Jamison, Brian A. Johnson, Jennifer Jolley, Tomás Kalmar, Kalvos & Damian, Sam Kerson and Katah, Steven Klimowski, Beverly H. Klotz, Steve Layton, Jakob Lehmann, Beth Levin, Bruce & Linda Linthicum, Lisa Lucius (Nashua NH), Janet MacLeod, Peggy Madden, George Magill, Nicholas Maggio, Nick Maggio III, Les Marsden, Charles Mayhood, Malcolm McAfee, Ann McCutchan, John P. Mello Jr., Marisa Merewood, Ariane Michel, David Morneau, Lies Muller, Paul H. Muller, Walter P. Murphy (in memory of Gene Morel), Lynne S. Myers, Erik Nielsen, Margaret Noble, Northfield Savings Bank, James Parks, James Jeffrey Paul, Josh Perschbacher, Troy Peters, Niels Petersen, Mary Ellen Petti, William P. Pfaff, Irene Racz, Francis Riesz, Epiphany Roa, Dione Rose, Dean & Karin Rosenthal, Eric J. Roth, Eleonor Sandresky, David P. Sartor, Kay & Max Schlueter, Emily Elizabeth Searles, Dave Seidel, Alex Shapiro, James V. Signorile, Aggie Birdsong Smee, Rich & Boo Smith, David Smooke, Laurie Spiegel, Thomas Steenland, Richard F. Suitor, Taylan Susam, Margaret Swinchoski, Bruce A. Talmadge, Fern Tavalin, Sam Thurston, Orestis Tringides, Doug & Nancy Tschorn, Jeremy Van Buskirk, Caroline Van Howe, Cole Verhoeven, Samuel Vriezen, Jason Walters, Andrea Warnke, Lisa Whistlecroft, Von Wichert, Jari Williamsson, Charles Wilson & the Vermont Alliance of Independent Country Stores, Kurt Wiscombe, Wammes Witkop, Erling Wold.
This Site is About the Opera ErzsébetThis site is about the opera Erzsébet. Although I have learned as much as possible about the Countess, I am not a reliable source of historical information. No one has first-hand information, and all of mine, save of the direct experiences at Castle Cséjthe, are third-hand at best. I am not writing a history. I am simply retelling what I know from the perspective of what I require as a composer to tell this story. This site was never meant to be more than a repository of my thoughts & ideas over the past 15 years -- but since it became popular, people seem to give it more credibility than it deserves! The frequently asked questions have been updated to reflect some of the comments I have received. Please be certain to read the FAQ and the Past Announcements before emailing me! I am happy to share information about the Countess, and have created an extensive bibliography and webography to assist visitors. I am also delighted to receive information and corrections and will incorporate them, with credit, into these pages. And please listen to my music! Thank you! |